
2024-2026 SAMLARC Directors

SAMLARC is governed by a 7-person Board of Directors, each of whom serves in a volunteer capacity for two-year terms. The Directors are elected by the Membership, with the exception of years when the number of nominees is equal to or less than the number of open director positions. During those periods, and in accordance with California Corporations Code section 7522(d), the Corporation can declare that the nominees have been elected. 

Three Director positions were eligible for the 2024-2026 service term. At the close of the nomination period, the number of nominees (three nominees) did not exceed the number of director positions to be filled. At the January 23, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting, the Board acted on behalf of the Corporation to adopt a resolution declaring that the Board candidates have been elected to the SAMLARC Board of Directors until their term concludes in February 2026. SAMLARC Members Deborah Christensen, Judy Vasquez, and Greg Wieckert will serve as Board Directors in guiding the community’s continued growth.